I'm not your Valentine, but gee!
The whole world knows I want to be.
Would you rather be feared or loved?
I want you to be afraid of how much you love me.
On Valentine's Day my wants are few,
Just three small letters, just Y-O-U.
Want to earn some Shrute Bucks?
Then you have to be my Valentine.
These vintage valentines and others were given "to Myrna" from: Doris, Shirley Jo, Beverly, Kathryn, Orris, Frederic, Esther Ruth, Bobbie, Carol, Lois, Roland, Jean, Dolores, Donald, and Mother.
I love you dear!
There now --I've said it.
My secret's out and you have read it.
But I don't care, I love you so,
I'd just as soon the world should know.
-from Mother
The names we might expect to see on grade school valentines now may be some of the most popular baby names in 2000 (today's 4th graders): Jacob, Emily, Michael, Madison, Joshua, Emma, Matthew, Hannah, Christopher, Olivia, Andrew, Abigail, Daniel, Isabella, Ethan, Ashley, Joseph, Samantha, William, and Elizabeth.
Love the Valentines!
Can't wait to try the banana bread!
(Izzy thinks that's really funny!)
Next Door Joanna
I'm surprised there were so many valentines given to same gender recipients in the past. I thought that would only be a product of the modern classroom policy of having each child give to everyone in the class. Our dilemma this year was whether to buy two boxed sets or not (one for boys and one for girls) - do boys care if they receive princess valentines?
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