Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Garden Club Field Trip

The garden club doyenne arranged for a tour of her landscaper nephew's beautiful suburban garden. Complicated carpool plans were made, city traffic was negotiated, and as usual it was well worth the effort to reach the destination which was very deserving of, and lived up to, the proud aunt's praise and promotion. Once there, the nephew and his family treated us all as if we were beloved aunties. Refreshments were served, the garden was viewed, many questions were answered, and notes were furiously scribbled in the language of Linneaus and in common seed catalog lingo.

Afterwards, we were escorted to lunch and then to Gerten's, the biggest garden center in the universe.

Many looked for and purchased some of the plants that had received much oohing and ahing in the nephew's garden including...

Hydrangea paniculata 'Quick Fire'

Hemerocallis 'Sunday Gloves'

Echinacea purpurea 'Coconut Lime'

...and many immediately started scheming a future trip back to this amazing, gardening mega-mecca with trailer in tow.

It was a lovely day, a good time was had by all, and yes, there were big floppy hats and iced tea involved.

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