Some lovely pink Asiatic lilies lost in a monarda jungle were begging to be rescued and to become stars of their own show.
Sorry guys, too late for the fair, but just for kicks and to keep up the floral design skills here you go. Enjoy the spotlight.
That was fun. I'd been looking for a chance to take this very official, thrifted dish for a test drive anyway.
Maybe next year we'll make it to the big time. We coulda been contendahs.
Back at the real fair the flowers and houseplants department judging took over 7 hours. Each arrangement, bloom, leaf, and pot was carefully looked over to determine the most outstanding candidates for ribbons.
The sweepstakes winner in the annual category was a pale lime green nicotiana.
The floral design sweepstakes went to this impressive arrangement in the category "design on a pedestal".
Sweepstakes prizes were also awarded in the perennial category to a beautiful giant bloom of "Annabelle" hydrangea and in the houseplants category to an interesting planter of moss-like leptinella - Platt's Black.
On the back walls you can see crop entries in the plant and soil science department and a display of 704 ribbons won over 25 years by an octogenarian fair entrant. You don't get that kind of results by entering the pretend fair. Guess NDL had better step it up. Next year we'll enter anything we can find around here that fits a category and isn't nailed down.
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