Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let the Record Show

After a brief meeting of the planning committee...

...the sideyard social season began on Sunday, February 13 at 2:00 p.m and 44 degrees.

Appropriately, the idea snowballed and picked up stray neighbors as it rolled along.

A good time was had by all.


  1. I would join that committee. It felt great to warm those winter frozen bones of ours!

  2. Fun, fun. Why am I not living in the neighborhood?

  3. Darn tootin', we had a good time! And the chocolate Pots de Crème were the hit of the gathering. It sure pays to live in a neighborhood where friends just happen to have extra delights like this on hand.

  4. Wow! That is amazing that 40 degrees is what does it for us. No wimps living in that area.

  5. Here's a little hint for you expats and those still in the neighborhood, but out of the sight lines of the picnic table: Strolling by the 700 block on warm weather (or even borderline chilly if the sun is out) Friday afternoons round about 5:00 will get a person a wave over for a beverage and a chinwag. You don't even have to pretend to look nonchalent. Try it!

  6. ...and one more thing. The pink pants and purple shoes had me thinking that J.Dane was back in town!

  7. Ha! Fooled you, double e. Red fleece bathrobe, blue fuzzy Merrells, ugly socks. Anyone you know?

  8. well, I'm moving - that's it - looks like such a nice gathering. less snow here, but no where near that fortitude or neighborhood spirit! darn!
