Monday, September 26, 2011

A Near Missoni

We try to keep you up to date on the happenings at our favorite retail hangout, but this trend came and went in a flurry of frantic power shopping that we are quite frankly glad to have missed.

This is all we could find on the shelves after the dust settled from the stampede of Missoni fashion hunters a few weeks ago. Within hours almost all merchandise had vanished from stores and the website crashed from the traffic of would-be online orderers. Yikes! Really alot of fuss just for some stuff decorated in a somewhat jazzed-up version of Charlie Brown's signature look which, by the way, nobody outside a Sunday comic strip should really be wearing anyway.


  1. I agree, I didn't really get what all the fuss was about - although the mug is very nice!

  2. The design reminds me of how I feel when I've had too much coffee - apropos for a coffee cup, I suppose. I passed up a toddler "dress" just 3 days ago, a mere $29.99 for a frock whose design seemed too harsh for a 6-12 mo. old. What's the next scam they'll toss at us?

  3. Good decision! I really think it's homely stuff, so I couldn't agree more with both of you.

  4. Yay! I thought I was the only one who thought the stuff was just yucky!
