Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Waiting for Santa

He's nestled all snug in his bed, but this little simian is going to have a very hard time settling down for his long winter's nap with all this vividness surrounding him.

We knew that we were buying 10 yards of this brilliant Ikea clearance fabric for a reason. We were not really too sure what that was at the time, but it became clear recently when we needed a quick duvet for the spare room bed. Our mathematics failed us the first time we got out the pen and paper to make our calculations. Seemed like we had twice as much yardage as was needed. Of course, we had failed to consider that a duvet has two sides. There went the entire 10 yards in a flash, or rather, in the three days it took us to wrestle a tent's worth of cloth into a giant pillowcase shape.

Close your eyes little monkey. Visualize banana flavored sugar plums....