Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Carol's Garden Grad Party

Here's what we saw on a recent stalk, er walk, down one of our favorite blocks.

It was  planted in the landscape along with the farm part garden art as if it had always been there.

That Carol! She's been up to being clever again.

This temporary installation of a  party and personal history signpost with arrows pointing to attractions of the day as a well as the grad's elementary and high school Alma Maters had to be her handiwork. So fun. Just like her!

Looks like a new frosh is headed to the U of W this fall. 190 miles! So far from Mom's cookie jar!

As his parents well know... You can't keep 'em down on the farm.

But you can send them off in grand style and welcome them and their dirty laundry home at Thanksgiving.

Good luck to all!

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