Friday, July 4, 2014

This is the Porch Life

Spring finally came and the birds did their thing while we were away. We came back to a nest with three beautiful eggs in a wreath right outside the front door, and a very nervous mother robin. So we avoided the porch as much as possible even though we had waited all winter to enjoy it. 

By some miracle no naughty grackles or jays pushed eggs or babies out of the nest and these three little worm-eaters made it to fledgling state while effectively holding our porch hostage for almost a month. Then they left the nest and haven't even been back to visit or say thanks.

In the meantime...with the help of the queen of porch accouterments, Jerisew(s), we got to make a new accessory that says it all.

And we inherited heritage rocking chairs from another great West Hill porch when the longtime owners began the next great adventure.

Now all we need are some porch sitters. 

Y'all come by now y'hear?


  1. What a nice blog to read this morning! It truly is The Life, isn't it? Hugs.

  2. We found numerous speckled eggs under our tree this year, sad! Glad yours made it out of the nest (there's a metaphor in there somewhere I think....)

  3. Aw, so cute! Did you wait till the mama bird was off hunting worms out of sight to take the pic?
