Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Tradition of Trees

Christmas crafting goes meta. When these are hung there will be trees on trees on trees.

We made these for the first-time Christmas tree households in the family.

All things come around. It's been years since we  received ornaments made of Popsicle sticks, peanuts, or pipe cleaners. 

Now we make our own and pass them back in the other direction.


  1. Love Mr. plaid making a statement with the tree trees.

  2. Ah yes, me too. Mr. Plaid was made from the last tiny, tree-shaped scrap of that fetching fabric left over from a project completed over two decades ago. The classic sweatshirt cardigan as I recall.

    So, he will forever stand, or hang, as a rugged individual in the meta fir forest.

    I think he's cool with that.
