Monday, August 22, 2011

Bonnets and Bustles

We were in the neighborhood so we stopped for the morning in Lacock. This unique village is owned by the National Trust and is to be preserved as is. In effect the entire town is a museum. No one owns homes or businesses. Buildings are leased only. No signs of modern life such as overhead wires are allowed. It is indeed a very scenic place as evidenced by its selection for use as a setting in many TV and movie productions. The recent BBC series Cranford starring a regular who's who of brit actors prominently featured the streets and buildings of Lacock. Other productions at least partially set in Lacock include: Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Moll Flanders, and many of the Harry Potter movies.

The cauldron in the warming room at Lacock Abbey is of particular interest to Potterites.

This little black hen was our curious companion throughout a relaxed and lovely luncheon in the courtyard of the Angel Inn. Walnut and Stilton pate. Yum!