Sunday, March 24, 2019

Here We Go Again

A nifty thrifty website is

Because of it we were able to reuse this lovely thing again this year after a mere six year wait.

Marie Kondo might not approve of that kind of saving, but she will be even more disapproving of the length of time we will have to hang on to it for a third time use. 2019 calendars do not sync up with the yearly dates again until 2030.

Your 2018 calendar is usable again in 2029. Not bad.

If you are a first wave baby boomer you might as well give your 2020 calendar to a millennial packrat right now unless you plan on taking really good care of yourself so you can use it again in 2048. 

Have a good year!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Trumpet Fan Fare

It doesn't look like much of an indulgence, 

but these Black Trumpet mushrooms 

dried and mixed with course salt give everything from scrambled eggs to your 
bloody Mary glass rim the flourish to take them from ordinary to extraordinary.

When this is gone we'll have to wait for quite awhile until we can make more.
 Trumpet salt definitely gives added incentive to next fall's foraging!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Eating Locally

It doesn't get much more local than your own kitchen tabletop.

Look what we got on sale!

What else would a mushroom company have on Black Friday special?

Field and Forest Products, a Wisconsin company, offers tabletop fungus farms.

They are entertaining and delicious!

The block yielded about 20 mushrooms in its first fruiting.

After it rests a bit we will ask it to do it all again.

Breakfast just won't be the same until the shiitake crop comes in.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Think Spring 2019

Come on y'all and Think Spring with your fellow gardeners. 
11 speakers on 13 topics plus lunch, vendors, and door-prizes.

Registration information here