Sunday, January 13, 2019

Eating Locally

It doesn't get much more local than your own kitchen tabletop.

Look what we got on sale!

What else would a mushroom company have on Black Friday special?

Field and Forest Products, a Wisconsin company, offers tabletop fungus farms.

They are entertaining and delicious!

The block yielded about 20 mushrooms in its first fruiting.

After it rests a bit we will ask it to do it all again.

Breakfast just won't be the same until the shiitake crop comes in.


Honeybee said...

Darn! It looked like a giant brownie cake and I thought the phone would ring any minute and you'd be saying you wanted to share!!

Angela said...

that is very successful. taste great!!!

Angela said...

darn. not angela MB

Honeybee said...

So, Angela (aka, MB) - you're part of this ruse??

next door Laura said...

Ha. Wondered if you would see that in the window, Honeybee.

Sorry to disappoint. Want to come over for a mushroom omelette?

next door Laura said...

Mary/Angela, how is the next crop coming along?