Thursday, February 9, 2012

And if the Hearts and Flowers Don't Work

...Try a Valentine that may get you a sweetheart, but more likely, a restraining order.


Honeybee said...

The best one yet, though not very PC. I love a Valentine infused with danger, don't you? P.S. "dessens"

Tacitus said...

Hard to tell if the amorous pirate is male or female. You'd think the makeup would be a clue but that is pre-Johnny Depp thinking. I also note the six shooters instead of real pirate flint lock pistols. Second string art school grads looking for work during the Depression...


Honeybee said...

Tacitus - Me thinks the pirate is female, the major clue being the earring which I doubt any Depression era artist (wanting to sell to a mass market) would dare affix to a male. Just speculation. Who knows if even Depp has it right. P.S. Pirates would have probably appreciated the invention of holsters, don't you think? P.S. "toersili"

Tacitus said...

Jack Sparrow had more eye makeup, so yes, probably a girl.
