Then to the MIA for the "Foot in the Door" exhibit.
Anyone, amateur or professional, can enter a piece of original art that fits in a foot by foot square space. The variety of media and topics is remarkable.
5000 people answered the once-every-ten-years call for entries.
Some hope to be noticed and promote their career, others just want to be noticed. It would be cool to be able to say that your work was on exhibit at the MIA.
Two favorites, conveniently side-by-side were, "Bad Seed" crop art, and a great photograph with notation that reads: "From the Series - Men Wearing Pajamas Playing the Accordion for Disinterested Cats" (Click on the photo to zoom in if you want to see just how disinterested the kitty really is.)
2020 is the next chance for your 15 minutes of fame. This decade's show runs through June 13 and it's free.
We saved the best activity for last. Well, we kind of had to because there was only one show time at the Lagoon for viewing this year's Oscar-nominated animated shorts. Wallace and Gromit in "A Matter of Loaf and Death", from Aardman Animation of Great Britain was our favorite. Runner up, "The Lady and the Reaper", from Spain.