Monday, July 30, 2012

Moisture Control

Remember the bag lady? Maybe this little incident will refresh your memory.

Well, she's been at it again re-purposing  bags from all kinds of  products into clever and useful totes.
In our drought state of the last weeks we really have had no problem with moisture control except for that of a personal nature.

Maybe that is why the women working in the Flower and Horticulture department at the fair 
began tittering in amusement when we walked in glowing (dripping) with perspiration (sweat) 
and carrying this very appropriate satchel.

Thanks Honeybee and Bag Lady for the gift and a chuckle.


Blue said...

Oh, that is too funny. Those two are always thinkin!

Honeybee said...

You're welcome. I'm lovin' my dog chow birthday bag, too. I think I should find some dog show to attend and see what woofs of approval I get with my tote.

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